You can finally hear entirely our new album Colours in Motion!
Here is available the tracks of our album Colours in Motion! You can also stream it on soundcloud!
You can also download the entire album for 15$ here and on bandcamp!
Our CDs are finally within our hands

We finally got our CDs in hand! We would like to thank the team of Atomic Disc for their fabulous work!
I am so excited for this upcoming friday! Our official launch is on May 17th.

Album artwork
Here is the official album artwork revealed! This is our upcoming album called Colours in Motion that will be launched on May 17th at Bootlegger l'Authentique!​
Join the party!
Credits to Audrey F. Laurencelle
Ashley Doucet and Louis Perron
for this artwork!

Allbum Release!!
Bar Bootlegger, May 17th
I invite you all to the launch of our first album Colors in Motion on May 17th 2019 at the bar Bootlegger l'Authentique
Come to the party!
More infos to come!

Welcome to our official website
Citron Indigo is our new project. Nicolas, Mathieu, Frank and Stratsimir welcome you.
In here you will find our background, our music, our shows and other media related content. (pictures and stuff)
Take a look around, more news to come.